Saturday, August 22, 2009

This would never happen to me....

Boy, was I wrong. I have had a couple of things happen in the last couple of days. One was a wonderful surprise. The other...I'm still trying to calm down about (it happened less than an hour ago). Here are pictures of both events.

The boys washing dishes:

Ben after his own haircut:

Ben after his buzz:

Charlie after his own haircut:

Charlie after his buzz:

Brigit wet and dry after her brothers cut her hair:

After I go and get her hair fixed I will post another picture.


Kate said...

Oh man! I am laughing, but I feel for ya!

Jared & Tracee said...
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Jared & Tracee said...

OH NO!!! I thought it was funny too, until I got to Briget's pictures. Poor thing got caught in the middle of her brother's mischievious plan!!

Sweetpea said...

Oh man! So sorry, good for staying calm!

growing said...

ok go look at my blog now... i have lots of sympathy!!!!

Toodles said...

Oh, that is funny and sad all at the same time!! I hope you got Brigit's hair fixed up. :)

le said...

Luckily there has been no haircutting in my house. But my son does love to "wash the dishes" "wash the bathtub" just about everything.

Ain't no need to watch where I'm going, just need to know where I've been.