Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We did it!

We have officially made it through our first day of Kindergarten. I had to hold back tears as I dropped him off, other than that, no incidents. We met one of the kids from his class that lives about a block away from our house. I think that will prove to be nice as this year goes on. When we were leaving from dropping off Ben, Charlie asked me about when he will go to school. This may be interesting for him. While Ben was gone, Brigit and Charlie played together and that was nice. It'll be interesting to have him gone EVERY day and not just a couple of days a week like it was with pre-school.

First Day:

Lined up and ready to go to class:

Charlie and Brigit playing:

His first day done:

Anyway, it was good and I think it'll be a great year for him. On a brief side note. I never updated with the haircuts. I took Brigit in to see what we should do and they suggested just leaving it alone and just let it grow in again. So, that's what we are doing. I think we may go back in a few months and get it evened up a bit, but until then, we're dealing with it. Here is also another picture of her hair where it shows more of where it was cut off.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

This would never happen to me....

Boy, was I wrong. I have had a couple of things happen in the last couple of days. One was a wonderful surprise. The other...I'm still trying to calm down about (it happened less than an hour ago). Here are pictures of both events.

The boys washing dishes:

Ben after his own haircut:

Ben after his buzz:

Charlie after his own haircut:

Charlie after his buzz:

Brigit wet and dry after her brothers cut her hair:

After I go and get her hair fixed I will post another picture.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

6 months old

Wow! I can't believe how fast time flies. While at the Dr.'s office today, I saw one of the respiratory therapists from the NICU while Jacob was in there. She remembered him and it was fun to talk to her a little bit.

So, I decided to try something really fun. Ok, maybe not too fun for you, but fun for me. After talking to Mike here is what we decided to do. You can match up the picture with the stats. How does that sound?

Ok, here we go....


Here are the stats:

1. 17 lb 11 oz and 27 in
2. 16 lbs 4 oz and 25.8 in
3. 18 lb 2 oz and 24 in
4. 17 lb 7 oz and 26.5 in

I hope you have fun with this one. It's interesting to compare and remember and realize how individual we all are. :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Dr. Office's

Who loves their doctor's office? I'm thinking about looking into a new doctor. I had Jacob's apt scheduled for Friday. They called and asked if they could re-schedule for today. Then today they called and asked if they could re-schedule for Thursday. Would this drive anyone else crazy or is it just me?

So, hopefully by this weekend I can have an update with all the kids and their stats at 6 months. Maybe we can mix up pictures again and see how you do? I have until later this week to get it figured out, so we'll see what I come up with.

I just needed to vent about the Dr. office that we go to!! Seriously though, if you have a great recommendation for me...let me know. :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

To do or not too do...

I decided to do.

After hearing about a bunch of people that I know that have been participating in 5k and the like. It has motivated me to try it out. One friend suggested this site I have been following it, but I'm only on day 3 of week one. lol I have plenty of time and I just started, so I haven't noticed significant changes. I have noticed that I am feeling better mentally and I feel like I have a better outlook than I have some days. I have been trying to come up with a route to run. While I have been figuring this out, I came across this website I have gotten lost figuring out some different routes that I can go and finding the location and distance that I like. Anyway, that's what I have been thinking about the last little bit.

On another note, the kids are doing well. Brigit now says "O tay" (okay) very well. It reminds me of the little rascals. Ben is getting excited to start school and so, it's become school shopping time. Charlie is doing pretty good with the potty training stuff. He has some great days and then some not so good. Hopefully it'll just get better. Jacob is growing a ton and has his 6 mth apt on Monday, so that will be fun.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Anniversary

I just thought I would let everyone know how happy I am to be married and not just to be married, but to be married to Mike. He is a wonderful husband and father. He is so supportive of me and what I do as well as our children.

As of yesterday we have been married 7 years now. As I think about these last 7 years it's amazing all the things that we have been through. We have had some hard times, but we have had pleanty of good times to help keep things rolling happily along.

I would post pictures of us or something, but we really don't have many pictures of just the two of us. Now either one of us and kids are in the pictures. I might just have to pay closer attention to that now....

Life is good and it's a fun time to be alive and in love. I am still very much in love with Mike and it's wonderful!! :)

Ok, here is a wedding picture and I seriously can't find a picture of just the two of us since I was prego with Ben. Maybe someone else has a picture, but I don't, so you'll have to just enjoy this one. :)

Ain't no need to watch where I'm going, just need to know where I've been.