I have been thinking a lot lately about having food storage and being prepared for whatever may happen. For some reason, I am having a feeling that it's time to really get ready (at least more ready than we are now). I think at least part of the reason is because of our next Relief Society activity is about 72 hr kits. I've also been hearing things about the bird flu and things of that nature. Well, whatever the reason, it'll probably be a good thing that I can get done even if I don't have to use it.
I'm wondering how prepared I actually I am and how much more I need to do to prepare. I've decided that the hard thing for me right now, is that I really don't know how much actual food we eat in 3 months to start getting a stock pile now....
Here are some different things I have found if anyone else is feeling this need as well. Some is quite interesting if you ask me....
I found a site earlier, but of course I can't find it now. It had some great information and I really liked the layout as well. If I find it again, I'll post it.