Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is always an interesting day around here. We're not too big in the gift giving and HUGE celebrating that I know others do. I usually make cards for the kids and we always have heart shaped sugar cookies. Other than that it's just been whatever. We do also have heart shaped pizza for dinner. I figure everyone will eat it and so it's worth it. I can think of a bunch of other things that would be more special, but I can't say the kids would all eat it.

So, this year I decided that rather than making cards for the kids I made bigger heart shaped cookies for each of them as well as for Mike. They were fun to make and I think everyone enjoyed getting a cookie with their name on it. :) Here are pictures of the kids with them:

Mike's cookie card:

This year we also sent out Valentine's to all the family members. While the boys were working on theirs for school, Brigit and I worked on some for the family. Here is the Valentine that I added:


Jess and Afton said...

Becky!!!! CONGRATULATIONS such fun news and to spread for Valentines day.. Perfect!

The Cassel Family said...

Super cute, and super fun! Congratulations again. You are such a great mom with such a great family.

Laura said...

That's exciting!!! Gotta fill up that new big house with lots of little ones! Congrats!

Ain't no need to watch where I'm going, just need to know where I've been.