I feel that I need to write a few things and let others know what's going on and to help me remember down the road a bit.
I have been to the hospital 3 times at the time of writing this. I have been having contractions and go to the hospital only to have them send me home about an hour later. I went in Monday night, they checked me. There wasn't much happening so I got sent home.
Yesterday was Mike and I's anniversary and we decided to go to a little Peruvian restaurant in Provo. While eating I started having contractions again. In the car on our way home, I started having pretty intense contractions...worse than they had been the night before. We came home and started timing them and debating what to do. We finally decided to just go in. The pain was getting bad and it had been about 2 1/2 hours since we started timing. We then arrive at the hospital and she checks me and I really hadn't had any changes. They monitored me for an hour and then checked me again and still nothing had changed. They gave me a shot of morphine to help me sleep and ease the pain of contractions. We then got home and I went straight to sleep (I was actually pretty loopy by the time we got to the car).
This morning we got up and about an hour after getting up the contractions started again. Basically as painful as last night. So, after a bit we decided to just head to the hospital. We get there and I get checked again and this time I was actually dialated to a 2 (one cm more than last night). They monitored me for an hour, checked me again and nothing had changed, so I got another shot of morphine and I slept the whole way home. Right now I am still under the influence of this fine drug and I'm not really in any pain. I'm anticipating the medicine to wear off and start this all over again.
If you really want to hear me complain just call me in about an hour when the pain starts again. :) I'm hoping that the next time we go in it will be the real thing. I'm tired and frustrated with what's going on with my body right now. I have learned that every pregnancy and delivery really is different. You just never really know what's going to happen. I'm very much hoping that the next post is of a new baby or that things have died down enough that I'm not worrying about this part any more.
I don't know how helpful this all is or if it's anything any body really wants to know that much about, but it's nice for me to get it out in writing. Now you know a little of the therapy that helps me. ;) We'll see how things go.