I need to let you know how Wed, Thurs, and Friday nights went. Wednesday night I did really well with dinner. We ended up going to In 'N Out. This time all the kids ate their hamburgers...that doesn't always happen. Mike and I were again so welcoming to the less options is more idea. Hamburger or cheeseburger....that really is the extent of it. I Love the simplicity.
Every year we get each of the kids their own ornaments and Wednesday night seemed to be the best night for that. We ended up at Kohl's and each of the kids got their ornament. We then headed to In 'N 'Out for dinner before heading to the church for Pack Meeting for scouts (Boy #1 and Dad are both involved). After which we had tithing settlement. (If your not familiar with Tithing Settlement I will give a little more information. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka Mormons) we give a 10% tithing. Once a year (at the end of the year) we meet with our Bishop (ecclesiastic Leader) to let him know if we have given a full, partial, or no tithing. We become accountable for that Tithing. If you have more questions you can find more at the Church's website: www.lds.org)
So it turned into a VERY full night and a late one as well. I think I did pretty well cooking that night. :)
Thursday night the plan was to have the Ham Fried Rice. After Mike got home from work we were going to finish putting up lights on the house. (Side note: This is the first time we have had lights up on the outside of our house at Christmas time.) We found out that I was better getting up high on the ladder, so we put lights on the house and then came in once it was done. By the time we got done it was late, dark and I had a hungry baby. I had chopped everything earlier in the day, so that part was done. It pretty much just had to get put together and since he is better, he did that while I fed and took care of the other kids.
We had decided that Friday we would do a Turkey dinner ourselves so that we could get some leftovers (the only downside to having it with a large crowd and everyone is in charge of something different). I got the bird stuffed and in the oven and also rolls going. Mike did take care of the potatoes and cutting the turkey. :) I ate way too much, just like it was Thanksgiving all over again. No pies this time though. I may have to attempt another one....we'll see.
Since it's now Sat. night I can write about tonight as well. We ended up having pizza at my in-laws house and I didn't really have to do anything.
So, now that the week is basically over, I think it went well overall. I feel like I've had a better attitude about making dinners and that's a nice thing for me.
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