Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Shower Curtain Please

So, it's taken almost 3 wks, but it is finally done!! We finished that bathroom last night and today I will be putting things back into it. We are happy with how it has turned out and look forward to the next project. (I think it will be getting maternity clothes out. :)) We'll keep you posted though. Here are some pictures of our bathroom. I don't really have any before, but plenty of during and after so here you go:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

#5 Child

We are expecting #5 to arrive in August. We are very excited for the arrival of this little one. I haven't been too sick, just a little here and there. Mike and I both feel like this one is probably a boy (at least at this point that's how we feel). We are thinking that we won't find out the gender this time around. It doesn't make any difference to us and it'll be fun to have that surprise at the end.

I have been more tired and this pregnancy feel similar to the first 3 by way of size. I have started showing sooner and I'm hoping to put off maternity clothes for another week. Wish me luck. :) I love rubber bands and we'll see if I can make it to week 14 before having to wear maternity clothes. That's my goal...Mike said he didn't think I would make it that far. I just have to make it to Sunday. I think I can do it.

As a little side note: We sold our van, the buyer is coming to pick it up tomorrow, so it'll be interesting to be down to one car as we find out next family vehicle. Anyway, I hope this helps you to feel updated and we'll let you know when we can go out again as a family. :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Jacob!!

We are so glad that Jacob is a part of our family. As I think back over the last year of his life, I am reminded of how blessed I am. We were able to celebrate today with some family that could come down and celebrate with us as well. It was fun for all with a few twists as well. Here are some highlights of Jacob's 1st year and birthday.

This picture seemed to get quite a bit of reaction....

Friday, February 5, 2010

Goodbye Playroom

This past week we have painted our playroom. It was time to say goodbye to our crazy red, yellow and blue room. Here are some pics of before and after for you to enjoy. The updating of our house has begun. I'll throw in another picture for you to anticipate the next BIG change going on here. :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Biggest Looser

At the beginning of the year, Mike's family started a Biggest Looser Competition. It started on Jan. 4th and finishes on July 4th. As we have been going along trying to loose weight, it's got me thinking about a few different things.

One thing that you read about all the time if you want to loose weight is to not skip breakfast. Otherwise known as the "Most Important Meal of the Day." As I have been looking up recipes to give us a little more variety, I'm finding that there are a lot of things that qualify for a healthy breakfast. I think it comes down to portion control. Waffles are good for you, but you need to limit your syrup intake a little and don't eat 15 of them and you are OK. It's interesting to read that crumb cake, muffins, french toast, breakfast taco, egg sandwich (without the cheese), bagels, and pancakes all make it on the list as well as many others.

Some things that were suggested by this site (sorry, my link isn't working) says that for breakfast these should be our goals: 3 out of 5 food groups in the meal, use Whole Grains, switch to low-fat dairy, select cereals that are low in sugar, no trans fats and the first ingredient is a whole grain, top cereals off with fruit, mix fruit and granola into yogurt. Go to the website if you want more detail than that.

Looking at all this is getting me inspired. I think I will try out a few of these ideas/recipes and see how they go over with my family. Since marrying Mike, I have cut down a lot on my cereal consumption and it's nice to find an alternate occasionally to the pancakes and waffles. I'll let you know which recipe we try and how they taste. (I have to like the taste or the healthy benefit makes it hard for me to do again. :))
Ain't no need to watch where I'm going, just need to know where I've been.