Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Crazy Happenings

We are having fun here at our house. Charlie has been coughing and we decided it was time to get it checked out. We went in and they ended up taking an x-ray of his chest because of wheezing. It turns out that he's got pneumonia... How he got it, I'll never know.

Also during this we have been trying to finish up getting out house up on the market to sell. It's been a busy/fun week giving out medication and getting things cleaned up.

Our house is officially on the market and it's a little strange to see a for sale sign in our yard. I know it's time though, so that helps. We borrowed my dad's truck to help get rid of some stuff this week and it's even more weird to see a for sale sign in front of my house with a different truck in the drive-way.

So, that's basically what's going on right now. We'll see how things go and I will post more later.


Becky said...

I hope Charlie gets better quickly! Good luck with the house selling! Bill & Erin seem to be constantly cleaning their house just so they're prepared for surprise showings. I hope they sell their house soon too just so they can enjoy their summer a little less stress-fully.

Stephen, Terren & Peyton said...

I didn't know that you guys were going to sell! And that's a bummer to hear about Charlie too! Good luck with it all though!

Ain't no need to watch where I'm going, just need to know where I've been.