It was Ben's b-day yesterday. I now have a 6 year old, weird!! I can't believe how time flies. We are so lucky to have him in our lives. He can be a wonderful helper and so sweet. When Ben was asked what he wanted to do, he said go to breakfast at Denny's. So, since his b-day was on a Monday, we decided that Sat. would be a better day to do that. He also said that he wanted to go Minature Golfing. So, Saturday we went to Denny's to eat and then we headed to Trafalga to do some mini-golf. The kids all seemed to enjoy themselves, which was fun for mom and dad. Of course on Sat. we forgot the camera, so no pictures of mini-golf.
For his birthday he got to take treats to class. He decided on Rice Crispy Treats. I also got to help in the classroom as well, so I got to be there for the handing out of treats and listening to his class sing to him. He seemed to enjoy it. Dad got home a little earlier than usual and we prepared Ben's favorite meal; chicken alfredo with spinach noodles. We also made french bread to go with it. Instead of cake, we had brownies. So, we sang to him and opened presents and then had brownies with ice cream and chocolate syrup on top.
Thank you for the gifts and well wishes. He had a good day and is glad to be six now. He did say today that he wished he was 9. I asked him why and he said that he would be closer to 10. I asked him what was so good about 10 and he just said that he would be closer to 15 and 20 and so on. So, getting older is fun for him now. I'll just remind him of that when he's turning 30 or 40. :)
Here are some pictures of my oldest: