I know have a 4 yr old little girl. As I was writing the other day I realized that I haven't posted anything about her big day. It's hard to believe that my 3rd child is 4. Time moves WAAAY too fast.
She has always been a happy little girl and I am so glad that she came to my family. I am so lucky, actually the whole family is lucky to have her in our lives. Here are some pictures of the big day.
She wanted sandwiches for dinner, so we made some on ciabatta bread that we had gotten at bountiful baskets the week previously. This is her at the table.

This is part of her cake. She said that she wanted a cake with flowers and a butterfly, I didn't get a good picture of the butterfly, but these are some of the flowers.

Here we are singing before she blows out her candles. The blowing out didn't go the greatest, but she figured it out by the 4th one. :)

This is a picture of a scarf that she got from her grandma. After opening a bunch of her presents she said, "It's just what I wanted!" Some things I really didn't know that she wanted, but it worked out anyway.

Here is a picture that we took of all the kids at the end of the day. They sure all have their very own personalities.