It strange how life can change or not. Since December there have been things in my life that have really affected me. At the same time though, things are about the same as they were a year ago.
Some highlights....
My mom was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and ended up having a lobe of her lung removed and then had chemo treatments. It was hard to not be together for the holidays, but we had a fun celebration when she was done with it all.
Ok, maybe that was the only thing? Everything else seems pretty normal, as normal as anything can be. We ended a school year and have since started the next. #1 is now in 4th grade and is a great reader and having a good time there. #2 is now in 2nd grade and is getting better at reading and doing really well in math. #3 has started Kindergarten and has now started reading and bringing home books to read. She is so excited to read. It's really fun. #4 is in pre-school still and enjoys going. He gets to ride the bus and he likes that. He is also getting really good at identifying letters and getting the sounds. With #5 I have put him in a "Joy School" of sorts. There are 6 of us that are rotating months having the children in our homes. He is liking it, although I still wonder sometimes if it's even worth it. He's only 3! #6 gets to spend a lot of time with mom. Actually while #4, & #5 are at school he comes with me to the Elementary school and helping in the older boys classrooms.
I love being able to be home with my children and also have the chance to really help in the classrooms. As I hear about different things about schools and the lack that they have, I am glad that I can help be a support to those teachers that spend so much time with my children. I couldn't home school my kids, but I am so glad that I can support those that know what they are doing. :)
Life is good. I am going to try updating regularly...we'll see how that turns out.